“Hello friendly humans, hello hello”
Pronounced “Noukhet Dhuru”
"Hello friendly humans, hello hello" were the actual lyrics of the song 'Invitation to Friendship' voted by the Turkish public to compete in the 1978 Eurovision.
Nükhet Duru and Modern Folk Üçlüsü (Modern Folk Trio) had joined forces under band 'Anadolu Major' to take part in Eurovision that season.
Though the jury went with a different band in the end, Anadolu Major's choice of song makes us giggle, especially considering Turkey had only recently been invited to participate in the largely Western contest.
Above you can see a reproduction of a decorative mirror, commissioned by none less than Nükhet herself as a gift for her friends. Apparently, a mould was taken off the original design without Nükhet’s knowledge, and a bunch were made for sale back in the day.
Or at least that’s what we’ve been told…
You can find this mirror in our collection or watch Anadolu Major's performance of the unmistakable song through here.