Red Carnations


Çini plate in red, featuring ornate carnations. Perfect alternative to a fruit basket.

Çini-making includes an intricate process where a design is drilled on paper and transferred to the surface of the object with coal dust, before painting, glazing and firing takes place.

To find out more about the craft, head to our Glossary.

Material: Ceramics (Çini)
Measures: Di 30cm, D 4cm
Notes: This plate can be hung on the wall, or used, only with foods that are dry and not hot (dry fruits, raw onions, raw potatoes, cookies once they cool down…) It is otherwise not food safe.

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Çini plate in red, featuring ornate carnations. Perfect alternative to a fruit basket.

Çini-making includes an intricate process where a design is drilled on paper and transferred to the surface of the object with coal dust, before painting, glazing and firing takes place.

To find out more about the craft, head to our Glossary.

Material: Ceramics (Çini)
Measures: Di 30cm, D 4cm
Notes: This plate can be hung on the wall, or used, only with foods that are dry and not hot (dry fruits, raw onions, raw potatoes, cookies once they cool down…) It is otherwise not food safe.

Çini plate in red, featuring ornate carnations. Perfect alternative to a fruit basket.

Çini-making includes an intricate process where a design is drilled on paper and transferred to the surface of the object with coal dust, before painting, glazing and firing takes place.

To find out more about the craft, head to our Glossary.

Material: Ceramics (Çini)
Measures: Di 30cm, D 4cm
Notes: This plate can be hung on the wall, or used, only with foods that are dry and not hot (dry fruits, raw onions, raw potatoes, cookies once they cool down…) It is otherwise not food safe.

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